blogging & business

How To Be A Travel Blogger

If you love to travel and do it a lot anyway, why not use that experience and the exciting things you do and create a blog? Being a travel blogger is a fantastic idea that could start as a hobby and then build into a career – if that’s what you want (of course, your blog can stay small if you prefer; the choice will always be yours). 

If the idea of starting your own travel blog appeals, you might be wondering what you need to do or even how to get started in the first place. Don’t worry; it’s not as complicated as it might seem, and there are some useful golden rules you can follow that will help you. Read on to find out what they are. 

Photo by Samson Katt

Find Your Niche 

Before you head off on your adventures and start documenting them in a rather random way, the best thing to do is decide on your niche. This isn’t essential, and you can certainly be a general travel blogger if you want to, but remember there’s a lot of competition out there, and if you want your blog to be seen over and above everyone else’s, having a niche could be exactly the way to do it. 

So take a moment to think about your travels and work out what it is that interests you the most. Is it the food? The adventure? The culture? Different languages? Do you want to focus on luxury or budget travel? Understanding what it is that makes you happiest when you travel is the best way to work out a niche you’ll be happy writing about for the foreseeable future. 

Create High-Quality Content 

You can easily start a blog (you can even get websites for free), and you can tell lots of people about it on social media, asking them to check it out and see what they think. However, if the content isn’t high quality, they might look once, but they’re not likely to come back, and your blog isn’t going to grow and get the recognition you want for it. 

That’s why it’s so important to have good content on your blog, ideally in a variety of different media. You could have written accounts of what you did, photos, and even engaging videos to give people more of an idea of what you got up to. Writing about the time you decided to rent a catamaran with is only going to be enhanced with lots of exciting video clips showing everything off, for example. 

You’ll also need to update your blog regularly to keep people’s interest, so even if you’re not traveling, you’ll still need to think of things to say. 

Stay Authentic 

As you grow your blog and potentially start earning an income from it (again, this will be your choice, and there are a few different ways to monetize your blogging), it’s crucial that you still remain true to who you are and what you wanted to do when you first started. It’s your authenticity that makes people interested in what you have to say, and if you lose that, people will start to drift away from you. 

Always make sure you keep the heart of the blog in mind and stick to your principles, even if some tempting offers might come your way.