DIY & home

What To Do Before You Move To Your New Place

You may be thinking about selling your current property and moving on elsewhere.

This could be due to relocating for work or simply because you want a change. There is no right or wrong way to manage a house move, go with the flow, and do what feels right. As long as all tasks have been completed before you move there really is no time constraint. Making lists will help you along your journey, it is also nice to see the ticks as you work through your lists. 

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Clean The Place Up

First of all, if you are having house viewings then your home needs to be clean. Nobody wants to turn up to a dirty house that hasn’t been well looked after. Think of it this way, make your home look presentable and how you would want to view a home. It wouldn’t hurt to get all hands on deck when it comes to sorting your property out. If family and friends have offered their services then don’t turn them down. 

You will need to take some time to declutter before the real cleaning can commence. Decluttering means making your home look more spacious and less cluttered, the last thing potential buyers want to be met with is all your belongings. They want to view a home that has ample storage and big rooms. Once you have decluttered it is time to start the cleaning process. 

In order to ensure your home is spotless, you might want to utilize the help of professional cleaning services. This is especially true for the flooring throughout your home, if you need tile floor cleaning then the professionals will do a great job leaving them sparkling. 

Find Somewhere To Live

If you are selling your current property then you will need to find somewhere to live in the area you are moving to. If you are unsure of where you want to move to, it is time to start shopping around. It can be incredibly nerve-wracking leaving the area you know for somewhere new. Make sure that you are researching areas and housing prices to ensure you get more for your money.

If you move to the inner city then things will be slightly more expensive than in the countryside. When it comes to checking out properties ensure that you are also checking out the local crime rates. The last thing you want is to move to a dangerous area where you don’t feel safe. 

Complete Repairs

Finally, if you want to sell your home in pristine condition then it is worthwhile making sure all the broken parts have been fixed. This is common when it comes to selling your home, homeowners often have a long DIY repairs list to work through as they keep putting jobs off. If you do the repairs as and when they crop up then there will be less to do when you sell.

Something else that you could make use of before you list your property is a pre-sale inspection of your home. This is where a surveyor comes to inspect your home and will provide a report of everything that needs to be done to ensure your home is structurally sound.