DIY & home

5 Summer Jobs You Shouldn’t Try to DIY

Hammer and nail – Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Summer is great for getting out and having fun. But it’s also a time when the favorable weather makes DIY easier. But here are some summer jobs you shouldn’t try to DIY.

Fixing Your HVAC System

Summer heat means having to keep yourself cool. There are numerous ways to stay cool, such as hydrating with cold drinks, ice lollies, and simply staying indoors. But even indoors can get pretty hot. So you will probably use ceiling and floor fans or your HVAC system. However, with more stress placed on these during summer, they can break down and require fixing. Residential AC repair companies are your best option for anything trickier than replacing a filter because HVACs are rather complex machines. And a botched job will just cost more money.

Removing Old Exterior Paint

Summer is ideal for repainting your home’s exterior. There’s less chance of rain, and the sun can help cure the paint better. But older paints can be toxic. Depending on the age of your home, the paint may contain lead. A house painted before 1980 has a high chance of lead content, and if you try to remove this yourself, you could breathe it in. Which could end in disaster. The dust from leaded paint is severely toxic and can cause many health issues. Some of these include nerve, brain, and kidney damage and possible problems with fertility.

Summer Jobs You Shouldn’t Try to DIY include Bathrooms

Kitchens and bathrooms are the most renovated rooms of the home while the weather is hotter than usual. A new bathroom is an excellent idea because it accounts for 10% of your house’s value and is one of the first things a buyer looks at when considering. Therefore, trying to do your bathroom yourself is a terrible idea. Even following trends can reduce your home value. For example, the trend in wetrooms means removing the bath. But this can reduce the value by 2%. So always consider any work carefully, and have a pro do it for you.

Replacing Roofing Shingles

It’s rather obvious that getting up on the roof is dangerous. Unless, of course, you know of some way to counteract the effects of gravity. But danger aside, you can make a complete mess of your roofing if you don’t really know what you are doing. Therefore, roofing requires an expert touch. A poor roofing job will lead to multiple issues that figuratively and literally trickle down your home. These include compromised drainage and the chance of collapse. This happens because excess moisture will enter your home, causing wood rot, mold, and bacteria to form.

Plant and Tree Work

Outside of the home can be just as important. Your garden, for example, is a haven in the summer. Because of this, you might be tempted to extend your green thumb and try things you really shouldn’t. Tree and plant removal is one of these. But they need an expert in almost all situations. First, they are pretty dangerous if you cut things the wrong way. However, there are also wildlife considerations when tackling shrubbery, hedges, and trees. Hedhegones, birds, and even bees and wasps are protected by law. And you could kill either with a poor DIY job.


Hot weather is ideal for making home repairs. But there are some summer jobs you shouldn’t try to DIY. These include HVAC repair, bathroom renovation, and being a DIY tree surgeon.