DIY & home

Moving Home: 6 Tips And Tricks To Help You Along The Way

Moving is a stressful process, even when everything goes smoothly.

It’s challenging to pack all your belongings, find a place that meets your needs and budget, sign contracts, coordinate with movers and get utilities switched over in a limited timeframe. Fortunately, there are ways to make this process easier to focus on other elements of your move rather than worrying about where you will live. This blog post provides tips for making your next move as simple as possible. 

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Find The Right Place

If you’re looking to rent an apartment, you’ll want to find a location that meets your needs. Consider factors such as proximity to work, access to public transportation, entertainment, shopping and restaurants. You may also want to find a place close to family or friends if you plan on staying in the same neighborhood.

If you’re purchasing a home, you’ll want to ensure you can get approved for a mortgage. Some lenders won’t make you a loan if you’re between jobs or have a low credit score, so it’s essential to know your options before you start looking. Use online resources like this Property Finder to narrow down your choices. 

Don’t Forget The Details

Whether you’re building your new home or searching for one online, it can be a minefield. And when you’re getting ready to move, it can be easy to forget things. In addition to packing your stuff, you’ll also want to make sure you check certain things. Make sure utilities are turned on at the new place, including water, electricity, gas and internet.

It’s also important to ensure your old utilities are shut off, so do that as well. Let your current landlord know when you plan to move. Likewise, let the new landlord know when you plan to move in. You’ll need to coordinate dates with both parties to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Set A Moving Date

You’ll want to set a moving date when you’re ready. Let your landlord know when you plan to move out so they can start looking for a new tenant. Likewise, let the owner of the new place know when you want to move in, so they can be prepared. You’ll also want to order a change of address for your mail.

If you’re moving from one apartment to another, you can have mail forwarded if you want to keep it at the old location. Otherwise, you’ll need to order a change of address. And you may want to keep the subscriptions at your old place, but it’s a good idea to cancel them at the new location.

Lock-In Your Utilities Early

If you’re moving into a new apartment, you’ll want to make sure you have utilities turned on as soon as possible. If you wait until the day before you move in, it may be too late to get everything set up. You may also want to consider locking in your energy rates if you’re moving into an apartment. This will ensure you’ll pay the same monthly amount even if rates increase.

You may want to visit your city’s website to learn more about utility rates. As far as mail is concerned, you can set up a PO box as soon as you know you’re moving. That way, you can keep receiving mail at your current address.

Hire Help

If you have a big move and/or young children, you may want to hire help. You may be able to find students who are looking for some extra cash by posting on Craigslist. Likewise, you can also check with local university drama departments for students looking for some on-the-job experience. You can also check with local moving companies.

Some companies hire out extra movers on busy weekends. Finally, if you’re planning a move that involves flying, you may want to hire a travel concierge service. They can help with everything from booking flights to securing hotel rooms.

Get A Good Night’s Sleep Before The Big Day

The best way to get through a move is to get plenty of rest. Make sure you have everything ready to go before the big day. You can organize your belongings, pack the night before and set up a staging area outside the new place. Bring everything you need to unpack with you, including boxes or crates, markers, tape and a calculator.

If you’re planning on moving a lot of stuff, you may want to hire a moving company. Otherwise, you can hire a few friends to help with the heavy lifting. If you’re moving into an apartment, check with the management beforehand to make sure you’re allowed to have friends lift heavy things.