DIY & home

Home Maintenance Tips That Make All the Difference

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Maintaining your home is so important. Sure, we all have routine chores that help us to keep on top of the hygiene in our living space – washing dishes, wiping down kitchen work surfaces, vacuuming, cleaning the toilet and mopping hard floors. But home maintenance goes above and beyond this. Now is a good time to start focusing on all the areas that would otherwise be neglected throughout the course of the year. Keeping on top of them can help to maximise the look, feel and potential of your property, helping to maintain its value too. Here are some key areas to focus on that will help you maintain your home as best possible.

Carpet Cleaning

Vacuuming is an important step in home maintenance, but it’s important to remember that the average vacuum cleaner does only pick up surface dirt, such as pet hair, debris and crumbs, from your carpet. Carpets are crafted from fibres that can hold onto ground in dirt and that require washing to keep as clean and fresh as possible. Now, you don’t have to get on your hands and knees and scrub your carpet with a wet cloth and cleaning detergent to achieve this. Instead, you’re going to need to make sure that you hire or invest in a carpet cleaning machine. These are larger scale vacuums with tanks for clean water and detergent, as well as dirty water that the machine will suck back up. This will give your carpets and intense scrub down, leaving them as good as new. You could, alternatively, use dry options too, such as Robert’s Chem-Dry.


You need to make sure that your home is well ventilated at all times. This can allow air to flow freely throughout your property, ensuring fresh air comes in and stagnant air is taken out. Good airflow can reduce humidity in your living space and can, consequently, prevent major issues such as damp and mold. Of course, there are countless ways to encourage good ventilation in your home. Get a roofer to inspect your roof ventilation and ensure that it’s up to scratch. This can ventilate your attic or loft space and help with temperature regulation in your home. You should also leave windows open while you’re in the room and can even invest in ventilation systems, such as air conditioning units.


All homes experience wear and tear. This is part and parcel of being such a regularly used space. But it’s important that you have repair work carried out as soon as you notice issues or issues arising. All too many people sweep home problems under the carpet and try to ignore them for as long as possible. The problem with this is that problems rarely resolve themselves and you’re, instead, more likely to see issues worsen and face larger repair bills down the line. Call in specialists quickly, whether that’s a plumber, electrician, roofer, glazier or anyone else.

Hopefully, some of the simple steps above will help you manage your home as best possible over the course of time!