family & relationships

Steps To Boost Your Chances Of Dating Success

Most of us have got a disastrous date story to share. Finding ‘the one’ is no mean feat. If you’re dating at the moment, here are some steps to boost your chances of success. 

Choose the right environment

The type of date you go on and the environment can have a major impact on how you feel going into the date. If you dread going to romantic restaurants, or you can’t think of anything worse than doing something active on a date, choose an activity and a setting that make you feel calm, relaxed and content.

You want to be able to show off your personality and be yourself. If you’re more at home in a laid-back coffee shop or you love being outside, don’t feel that you have to go to fancy restaurants or cosmopolitan bars. 

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Hang out with other single people

There’s nothing more soul-destroying than approaching somebody who catches your eye to find out that they are already in a relationship. If you find that this is a common occurrence, start hanging out with single people.

Go speed dating, connect with singles in your area online and look out for details of events for singles at restaurants, bars or clubs. It’s also a great idea to ask around and see if your friends, colleagues or relatives have any suitable single friends you could meet. 

Have confidence

Dating can be a roller coaster ride. Bad dates and breakups can knock our confidence. Before you go on a date, give yourself a pep talk. Have confidence in yourself and don’t settle. Know your worth. If a date doesn’t go to plan, don’t assume that it was your fault. Sometimes, people don’t click and there’s not always a reason.

You may find that you gravitate towards some people and you have nothing in common or no spark with others. This is perfectly normal. 

Relax and have fun

Many of us reach a point where dating becomes a chore. We get stressed out by dates that don’t go well and we get more and more worried as we cross more names off the list of potential partners. If this scenario sounds familiar, try to relax and have fun. Stop putting pressure on yourself, let the conversation flow and allow yourself to get to know people without thinking too far ahead.

Enjoy getting to know your date and finding out more about them, and give yourself time to think about whether you want to see them again. Spend more time with people who you connect with organically and naturally and don’t write people off because they don’t cross the boxes you have on a mental checklist.

Let your heart guide you and devote time to people who make you feel good. 

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Dating is challenging. Most people don’t find the perfect partner on the first attempt. If you’re struggling to find a match, or you’re tired of going on disappointing dates, take these steps to boost your chances of success.

Choose an environment that makes you feel comfortable, have fun, relax, have confidence in yourself and spend time with other single people.