blogging & business

The Special Bond: 4 Keys to an Effective Relationship With Freelancers

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Whatever you need to do for your business, from upgrading your business website

to making considerable changes to your processes, when you have a business in its embryonic stages, you will require additional help. For many, this means bringing freelancers on board. What do you need to know when it comes to bringing in the right freelancers to build your business, and how can you work with them effectively? 

Do Not Rush the Process

One of the biggest advantages of working with a freelancer is that you will have instant access to the right skills, just as long as you use the right platform. But do not be tempted to rush the process. Whether you are looking to hire remote developers or you are after a temporary workforce for administrative tasks, if you bring in the wrong freelancer, it can have a negative impact on your growth but it can also impact your feelings about working with temporary workers, which can have an impact on future partnerships. While it’s important not to waste time recruiting a freelancer, you have still got to go through the right channels. 

Create an Onboarding Process

When a new employee starts their contract, usually the organization has an onboarding process. One of the temptations in working with freelancers is to skip this entirely. However, if you focus on a solid onboarding process for your freelance workforce, it’s going to ensure they know what is expected of them, while also guaranteeing that you adhere to some of the essential processes. You can make things easier by having the freelancer sign a non-disclosure agreement, which will also guarantee a certain level of adherence. 

Do Not Underestimate Communication

You may know what you want and what you expect as far as results are concerned, but if you have employees this level of communication is something we take for granted. Freelancers do not know what is necessarily needed of them, and while you may not think about creating a detailed brief, this can be a big time saver because this will minimize certain issues, for example, revisions. Having a good brief will not just include the tasks needed, but also the core values of the company so the freelancer can carry out work in line with the underlying values of your company. This is also beneficial if you have freelancers working remotely. 

Have a Realistic Approach

Some people prefer to go and hire permanent employees. However, this can be a lengthy process. A freelancer bypasses a lot of this, and when we get a freelancer on board, there are benefits to them being flexible so you can alter your business needs accordingly. But it is important to be realistic in terms of what they can deliver for you. Freelancers are not psychic and they need to be guided, especially if you’ve got a very specific vision. Ultimately, when it comes to working with any freelancer they’ve got to be flexible but you also have to be flexible as well. You may not be as realistic as you think you are.