family & relationships

5 Critical Child Health Practices for Avoiding Issues in Later Life

Child looking at blueberries – Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Children depend on you for care. And you can help your kids avoid some of the worst issues in life if you address some critical child health practices as early as possible. 

How to Clean their Teeth and Mouth

Many parents think kids need to learn to clean their teeth on their own. But it takes time to learn these skills properly, and children need to be involved in their own oral health development. You can begin by giving your children instructions by showing them how to clean their teeth with a brush since they won’t like someone else sticking something in their mouth. Allowing them to control their hygiene will make it easier later on when they visit a pediatric dentistry clinic for the first time, which should be no later than age two.

Dietary Preferences and Regular Exercise

Kids love food that’s terrible for them. That’s just a fact of life you have to accept. However, it’s never too early to begin a healthy dietary plan for your kids. Many children who are allowed to eat junk food and sweet treats with no exercise are more likely to carry this into teens and adulthood.

Poor diet and exercise contribute to the most severe conditions in life, such as obesity, CHD, high blood pressure, and diabetes. However, you can introduce fresh and healthy food early and encourage physical activity such as playing, biking, and running.

Child Health and Mental Development

Up to 80% of adults experience mental health issues such as depression and anxiety at some point in their lives. But even young children can suffer from mental health problems. Kids can show anxiety disorders, depression, and notorious ADHD at a very early age.

However, severe problems like PTSD and autism can also indicate when they reach toddler years. Fortunately, you can help children with mental health issues by actively listening to their concerns. Talking through problems and helping them understand why their life is different is also a bonus.

The Importance of Hygienic Intimate Areas

Like dental and bodily hygiene, it is essential you teach your children how to clean their private areas themselves. Of course, they cannot do this when they are babies, but you can teach them as they mature. You should teach kids to wash their areas in addition to their face, hair, and hands.

Hygiene becomes especially important for kids around 11 years old. Additionally, as she reaches puberty, your daughter might begin her menstrual cycle, which requires extra care. It can be embarrassing, but what’s a little embarrassment compared to keeping infections away? 

Social Connections and Attachments

Many psychologists agree that how we turn out as adults is rooted in our childhood experiences. Unfortunately, social connections and attachments to kind and loving parents aren’t a guarantee of developing correctly. However, many of the worst criminal offenders are often abandoned or mistreated by their primary caregivers.

Based on the factually documented evidence of this, it is vital you emotionally connect with your child and nurture them in a safe and sound environment. The long-lasting effects of emotional neglect include anxiety disorders and depression.


Raising a child isn’t easy, and you become responsible for their health. You can help kids develop with personal hygiene, addressing mental health and emotional support and love.