blogging & business

Mistakes You’re Making Regarding Your Company Website & Blog


Having a company website and even a blog is very necessary in today’s business world.

However, many people like yourself don’t realize the true importance of not only having these online elements in place but using them effectively to market and grow your company.

You may be trying to get your site and blog up and running but are struggling to find and keep readers. If your website isn’t getting noticed then it may be time to make some changes. Learn what mistakes you’re making regarding your company website and blog so you can begin to take a new and better approach to overseeing it.

Trying to Manage it All Yourself

One mistake you’re making regarding your company website may be that you’re trying to manage it and do all the work yourself. If you want to achieve speed optimization, put the right security measures in place, and ensure less downtime then you should consider checking out the services and options that has to offer. It’s also wise to have a marketing person or team in place at your workplace that can handle the content calendar and publish posts consistently.

Winging it

You also shouldn’t be winging it when it comes to what and when you post on your company website if you want your site to perform. You must include the essentials and have the right information and pages in place. Your design and navigation should be well thought out and serve a particular purpose. 

Create a content calendar that lays out what type of content you’ll be posting on your blog and on what days. Plan ahead as well and make sure your website is always up to date with the latest promotions, products, and services you’re offering.

Not Taking Time to Fix Errors

The last situation you want is for a reader to come across a bunch of errors on your website and blog. You may be currently making the mistake of not checking over your work and not taking the time to fix what’s broken or incorrect. Review your site and blog for 404 errors, misinformation, spelling errors, and broken links often. Many plug-ins can help you in this area so that it’s easier to identify and fix them.

The performance of your blog is going to be heavily determined by how willing you are to fix the problems that your users are encountering. As soon as you notice an error, you need to get it sorted as quickly as you can, or you could face a heavy decline in readers

Not Using Images

You may also be making the mistake of not using images or enough of them. Images and visuals play a vital role in your company website and blog. Make sure you’re using clear and attractive photos and images that relate to what’s on the page or screen.

Avoid using outdated stock images that have nothing to do with what you do or with your content. A good rule of thumb is that if the image is blurry or not relevant that you shouldn’t use it. Consider working with a professional photographer if you need help in this area.

No Call to Action

Finally, you not only need to include relevant calls to action but you want to make sure that they aren’t confusing or overwhelming. Good design means good readability. You want any CTAs to be easy and quick to understand. Only include what matters to the reader and guide them to taking the action you want them to do.
