blogging & business

Is Your Business Website Performing?

In terms of what performance is, it is different for every business.

For some, performing means getting plenty of conversions; for others, it might be downloaded. Either way, one of the critical makers for success is often traffic. 

But if you have a new website and are trying to work out your success markers, then here are a few questions you can answer to see if your business website is performing. 

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Are the customers getting what they need?

If you sell handbags, how many of your customers can find what they need? Assume they have clicked through an advertisement on social media – are they taken to the product? To your app? Can they navigate to find the handbag? 

Your bounce rate can be an indicator that people aren’t finding what they need fast enough or that the content you have isn’t interesting to them. 

It can highlight a mismatch with your marketing endeavors and what you offer, or it could mean that the UX on your website needs a rethink. Both of which are fixable and trackable. 

Working with a web design company like WebX360 can get you what you need when it comes to your UX. 

It is also good to look at where people exited your website and create better CTAs. 

How did they get to your website?

Turning leads into customers is one of the most essential purposes that your website will serve. However, in order to do that, they need to find you first. 

Finding your website will be a culmination of your other efforts, including: 

  • Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Social networking 
  • Newsletters
  • Search

More often now, it is the content that you produce for your website that will have the most significant impact. It is essential to keep in mind that when it comes to your SEO, it is a long-term strategy, and you aren’t going to see results immediately. 

In your analytics, look at the referral data so you can see how people have found you. With that data, you can optimize high-performing content, refine social strategies and highlight your weaknesses. 

Once they are on your website, you need to find out…

What are people doing on your website?

One of the best things about analytics is that it gives you a deeper insight into how people are interacting with your website. 

You’ll be able to see how people find your website, how long they spend on it, how often they return, which particular pages they’re looking at (such contact forms or service listings), if they’re using mobile or desktop devices, and much more.

Once you have this information, you can make informed decisions about where you should have CTAs, where the extra support should be, and highlight any bottlenecks in the sales process. 

Once you understand how people interact with your website, you can make the experience better and ensure that you are meeting all of your KPIs when it comes to your website performance. 

Ecommerce websites need some specific maintenance to make sure that they are performing and maximizing sales. Here are some tips to make it happen: How to Successfully Manage an E-Commerce Store: Tips for Entrepreneurs