family & relationships

How To Grab His Attention On A Date

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If you’re dating right now, you want to put your best foot forward.

If you find a man you like, you want to show him that you’re interested, but in a way that he’ll appreciate. 

In this post, we take a look at some of the things that you can do to grab his attention. Check them out below: 

Smile More Often

Men want happy women. Therefore, smiling more often is going to give him confidence that you fit the bill. If you’re relaxing, having a good time, and feel at ease within yourself, that’s going to be naturally attractive and reassuring. 

Don’t feel confident about your smile? Not to worry. These days, getting teeth whitening and straightening is easy. Just visit your dentist and they’ll tell you what you need to do. 

Ask For Help

Generally speaking, men really like offering help, so if you’re stuck with something, just ask. Men are practical beings, guided by a desire to fix things in the outside world. They enjoy tinkering around until they solve a particular problem that, from the outside, seems totally boring to you. 

Talk About Your Hobbies

A woman with hobbies is a rare thing in today’s society, so if you have any, talk about them. Find out whether he’s interested in them too. 

The more you talk about your hobbies, the more he’ll see that you live a balanced and interesting life. You’re not just scrolling through your Instagram feed all day long, or totally committing yourself to a life of work. You’re doing something just because you love it. 

Say Thank You More Often

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If the man you’re with does something nice for you, say thank you to him for his efforts. He’ll appreciate it. 

Remember, many men don’t like the idea of courting and putting in effort if the woman they are pursuing isn’t grateful or appreciative of what they’re doing. Therefore, always be upfront with your gratitude. 

Don’t Play With Your Phone

Playing with your phone on a date is a big no-no on the modern dating scene. While we’re more attached to our phones than ever before, they actually take away from our ability to interact with other people, particularly on dates when you’re first getting to know someone. 

Put the phone down, turn it off, and leave it in your clutch. Then just focus on the conversation at hand, paying close attention to what’s going on. 

Bring Your Interests To The Table

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Before you go on a date, think carefully about what really interests you. Guys are often looking for a girl who has something to talk about and doesn’t put all the onus on him to come up with ideas or hold interesting conversations. There has to be a two-way exchange of value. 

Don’t Hide

Lastly, avoid the temptation to hide in the corner. Don’t use body language to try to conceal your face and body. Instead, approach the interaction openly and honestly. Remember, when it’s a date, you can bail whenever you like. If you discover something you don’t like, you can just go back to your life as normal.