family & relationships

How To Encourage Your Kids To Eat More Fish

Fish is such an amazing food to add to your diet because it’s so healthy.

It’s a low-fat alternative to meat and it’s packed full of healthy fats and nutrients. But getting kids to eat more fish can be quite a challenge. A lot of kids don’t like the smell or the texture of fish and they’ll turn their nose up at it. However, if you can get kids eating fish from a young age you can improve their wellbeing and they’ll keep the habit in later life. They’ll also be more adventurous with their food, in general. If you can’t get your kids to eat fish, here are a few tips you can try. 

Make More Interesting Recipes 

Often, kids don’t like fish because of the way that it is prepared. Battered fish is a good entry point for a lot of kids but it’s not the healthiest way to eat it, so you shouldn’t cook that all the time. A simple piece of baked fish isn’t that exciting, so try some more adventurous ways to prepare fish. You can try this salmon salad dressing, for example, to make a boring piece of fish into a delicious meal.

By preparing fish in more exciting ways, you make it more attractive to kids and you can mask the fish a bit more so it’s less daunting for them to try. You should also try to make fun fish recipes by cutting it up into chunks and making fish lollipops or making colorful fishcakes. 

Don’t Force It 

When getting kids to try new foods, you will always get some resistance from them. If you keep forcing it on them, they will only push back harder and you’ll put them off.

What you should do instead is keep putting it on the menu alongside other foods you know they like, but don’t push it too hard. If they see you enjoying fish on a regular basis, that will encourage them too. 

Swap Fish With Their Favorite Ingredients

Swapping fish for their favorite ingredients in dishes they already like is another good way to introduce it gradually and sneak it past them. Pizza is a great option here because what kid doesn’t love pizza?

Instead of using pepperoni or chicken as a topping, why not make a seafood pizza instead? They’re eating a food that they’re already familiar with so they are more likely to try it and once they like it, you can branch out into more fish-based dishes. 

Be More Adventurous With Your Own Food 

Kids learn by example, so if they see you being more adventurous with your food, they will be more likely to do the same. Lots of adults play it quite safe when it comes to eating fish and stick with things like tuna, cod, and salmon. But if you can find different types of fish that you wouldn’t normally try, the whole family can try new things together. Being more adventurous will also help you get excited about cooking again. 

Getting your kids to try fish is difficult but it’s important if you want to encourage them to be healthy. If you follow these steps and you are patient, you can get them eating fish on a regular basis. 
