DIY & home

3 Areas That Quickly Boost Your Home Value

It isn’t very reassuring to see other houses in your neighborhood attracting interest from buyers and investors while yours remains dormant.

While the need for quick money can tempt you to sell the house at a throwaway price, it is often more profitable to improve specific sections of your home first. In fact, by performing these simple improvements, you’ll know that your house is ready for the market. Here are the most notable areas in this respect.

The Floor

Apart from smell and curb appeal, the floor is the next item people notice once they enter your house. The type of flooring you choose dictates your home value in the current and future markets, and as such, it must only be the best.

 Buyers often prefer hardwood floors as their value increases with time, which guarantees better ROI. While there are different sets of hardwood flooring to choose from, the best ones are often:

  • Firm (can support all kind of weight)
  • Durable (hard to damage)
  • Easy to clean
  • Consistent with the grain pattern

To save more and still have a significant buyer impact, you should focus on keeping the flooring simple. Install it in more suitable areas like the living room and hallways that make more sense financially. 


Whether your compound has a garden, trees, or bare grass, keeping your home landscape in mint shape increases its market appeal.

 Begin taking care of your landscape by:

Understanding your Site

Plants often paired with the right conditions tend to thrive and increase home beauty. Undertaking the task of understanding small but crucial details like the soil type and weather pattern will help you pick up the best plants for your home.

 If, for example, you live in moist areas, Bogs would be ideal for your garden.

Going for Natives

Opting for native plants guarantees a successful landscape upgrade without doing too much work as the conditions naturally favor their growth.

Focusing your Efforts

Instead of dividing your landscaping efforts into smaller tasks, you should seek more substantial projects. For example, instead of working on multiple nursing beds, opt to focus on one or two key garden areas with the most impact.

 Keep your landscape healthy and beautiful by performing the standard maintenance practices for a better home value.


As a critical area of the house, a kitchen is always a place buyers critically look into before making a final purchase decision. If well maintained, a kitchen can boost the ROI by a significant number.

The central kitchen repairs that you should ideally begin with are replacing old appliances with new ones, restructuring the kitchen cabinets, and remaking the floors with Vinyl or tiles.

Update any old countertop designs and consider the new floor plans, if possible, for a wholesome experience.

 As the demand for quality houses rises, the competition among homeowners grows as well. Anyone ready and willing to improve aspects of their home is often set for higher market returns. Get ahead of your competition by focusing on your home’s floor, landscape, and kitchen, where every buyer tends to look at most.
