college life, family & relationships

3 Simple Ways To Brighten Up Our Dark Days

If we have learned anything from 2020, it’s that we need to change our mindset quite drastically.

For so many of us, learning to adapt to the new normal was more of a shock to the system than anything else. Adapting to such massive changes is never easy. Some people took it in their stride, and some people found it so difficult that it had a torrid defect on their mental health.

This is where we can all learn from the benefits of self-care. Learning to brighten up any dark day boils down to so many simple things. If you are still struggling to retain some sense of positivity, what are some of the things you can get inspiration from?

Gift Something to Yourself

Whether it’s something as simple fresh Hawaiian lei to drape around your neck, or it is what you’ve been lusting after, you cannot underestimate the importance of a little gift to lift your spirits. When we give ourselves something, it isn’t just a way to treat ourselves but it’s validation that we are worth it.

You may have felt many times over 2020 justifying certain expenses. However, they don’t have to be expensive expenses. You can purchase simple flowers. It’s a way to cheer you up, but flowers can lower your levels of stress and depression.

Start the Day on a High Note

Rolling out of bed into yet another dull and dreary day sets us up for a fall. If you can do anything with your day starting with the right approach will make things a lot easier. Starting the day with the vital nutrients it needs or exercise are simple things to give you more energy.

But in addition to this, you may want to challenge yourself at the beginning of the day rather than later on. Having a cold shower can seem like a horrible idea. But by doing this, it’s not just a way to make you feel awake and alert but it will officially be the worst thing you will endure that day!

Practice Gratitude

Something you can do at the end of every day. Learning to be grateful for the little things in life is not easy when we go through dark days. But getting into the habit of practicing gratitude by listing three things that you are grateful for that day shifts your perspective gradually over time.

When you start to lift the things you are grateful for you to start to focus on the positive. And it’s one of those simple techniques that can improve our approach to life in general. Leaders who spend their lives in tough situations ground themselves with gratitude, and it is a fantastic way to gain perspective.

It’s not easy during these tough times.

But if you can focus on the pillars of health such as gratitude while also learning that you are worth treating gives you a lift. Everybody has experienced the strangest year in their lives. Let’s use this as a fantastic stepping stone to a better and happier version of ourselves. 
