DIY & home

Spruce Up Your Garden For Spring

Now that finally the weather is changed, why not indulge in a bit of green therapy?

Gardening is a popular wellness trend this year and for obvious reasons. Being in touch with nature can bring you some perspective and clarity. It’s also very rewarding to see something bloom from your own work and care and you can engage with the local wildlife as well. Here are some simple tips to get you started!

Get Rid of Weeds

It’s time to pull out all the weeds and debris and finally let your grass grow back. If you’re lucky enough to have a big yard space make the most of your lawn. Keep an eye out for moss and other unwanted mulch. Make some for your grass.

Think about the weather conditions when watering your yard, how much rain have you had recently? You don’t want to over-water it, but at the same time don’t let it dry out. If you think your lawn is flooded or blocked you could contact a drainage specialist. For more detailed advice on how to water your lawn properly, click here

Build a Playground

Treat your yard as a place to play. Why not have an Easter egg hunt or organize games with neighbors in the local community? Create memories in your garden by building a playground area. You can purchase Component Playgrounds High Quality Playground Equipment online for children of all ages. Choose between swing sets, seesaws, and other fun accessories. 

Spring Flowers

You can plant both bulbs and seeds this season. Check out this list of spring flowers such as daffodils online to try and if you’re a little apprehensive try out some more low maintenance species.  Select the flowers you like best and watch your efforts blossom.

If you would like to plant different things like a herb garden or vegetables, these could be fun as well. There are plenty of options. Spring and summer are the best times to get planting as you will be able to spend more time in the sun enjoying the results. 

Wild Visitors

Have a look into your local wildlife and see what friendly visitors you can attract. Lots of species will be coming out of hibernation so you’ll get to welcome lots of new friends into your garden. Make your own bird-feeder out of recycled materials such as plastic bottles. Birds like to eat a range of different things such as mealworms and grains, but they also like lots of things you can already find in your kitchens such as granola, apples, bananas, eggshells, and cooked pasta and rice.

You can get rid of your organic waste while giving them a tasty treat. As well as making bird feeders get creative and think about what else you could decorate your garden with by using recycled materials from your house! You can make plant pots from pretty much anything, so have a look at what junk you’ve got lying around. There are many inspiring ideas online
