family & relationships

Coping When There’s Too Much On Your Mom Plate

We’ve all been there; when we are doing our best to balance everything, even something like trying to relax requires significant scheduling.

But when there’s too much on our plates, how can we cope? And not just coping with all the tumultuous tasks, but actually be a good parent while we are at it? Is there anything that we can do to benefit everybody, as well as ourselves?

Have You Got A System In Place?

The great thing about having a system for every little task is that it provides a method to tackle any problem. Sometimes, we end up working hard, instead of working smart. The great thing is that a system can make a difference in every aspect of your life. Sometimes it’s about having that ability to organize. It may not just be about tackling the task, but it could be about having those things in place that make organizing easier.

For example, the article How Custom Closet Systems Can Change Your Life can show you little methods to keep everything organized in the very place that can be easily forgotten about. Regardless of the task, big or small, you need a system. If you find that you are struggling with everything on your plate, having a method to tackle these tasks will help you you exert some control over the situation.

Keep Lists

Part of stressing out when we have too much to cope with is that we just don’t know what’s on the horizon. If you are one of those people that, just before drifting off to sleep, ends up remembering a little thing that needs doing tomorrow, write it down, and go to sleep! Having a list of things to do is is a perfect way for you to keep track of everything, and when you start to tick off each item, it gives you that sense of achievement.

At the same time, having a list in front of you gives you a better chance of assigning the tasks in order of priority. As well, you may find that you don’t plan enough time to get everything done. When you have a to-do list, it’s always worth writing down next to it how much time you think it will take, then elongate this by about 33%!

Get Rid Of Distractions

Part of the reason we feel we can’t get everything done is that there are too many distractions in this day and age. Perhaps when we tried to get one thing done, our phone continues to buzz, and we feel we’ve got to reply to that message or check that email.

When we have a singular task, dedicating 100% focus on it means that we will get it done as quickly as possible. When scheduling your day, remember to minimize distractions. There are so many different types of distractions, not just our phone, but every distraction needs to disappear; only then can you start to tackle each task.

Let’s not forget, when we feel there is too much on our plate, we need to know our limits. Perhaps it’s the fact that we are doing too much. But if all of these things are essential, this is when learning adequate coping strategies can help. As well as this, think about asking for help!
