family & relationships

Supporting A Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder

If your child is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, you’ll likely have lots of questions.

The key question being What can I do to help? To answer this question, we can look to the technique of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) with autism.

What is ABA?

Applied Behavior Analysis works to decrease inappropriate behavior and encourage appropriate behavior. ABA has been a scientifically proven treatment against some symptoms of autism for many years. ABA is based on the science of behavior and learning. The analysis aims to determine how the individual’s behavior and learning works.

ABA also seeks to learn how environment influences behavior. The therapy works to help with communication and social skills. ABA therapy arrives with several advantages, let’s consider some of the main ones. 

Help with social skills

ABA therapy can support a child with autism to develop their social skills. Sometimes children with autism can find it challenging to read their own emotions and those of others. At times this can make it harder to make friends. ABA techniques help increase the presence of social skills and aid in understanding emotions.

You can help your child further by learning their non-verbal communication methods. They may exhibit certain facial expressions or types of body language to communicate their feelings. 

Reduce problem behaviors

Children with autism can sometimes be prone to problem behaviors. Often parents will try a range of approaches and still be at a loss. If you are trying to support your child and unsure of what to try next, ABA could be worth a go. A therapist uses a range of expertise and strategies personalized to your individual child.

Often, correcting problem behavior is about defining the triggers which provoked an incident. Positive reinforcement is often used during this type of therapy. Put rewards in place to celebrate good behavior and attempt to discourage negative patterns. Supporting your child as much as you can here is an investment in the future of your family

Improve independence 

Often, parents will wish to give their autistic child independence, yet they will be unsure of how to do so. Therapy can help teach skills that are useful in daily life and can help a child to establish routines. Over time, Autism Therapy can help your child to achieve a heightened sense of independence. 

Set goals 

A therapy plan can help to set goals for a child and work towards them in a structured environment. When goals are set, progress is easier to both monitor and maintain. The goals could be related to communication, play, or motor skills, for example. Other goals might involve learning or self-care. Therapy can help to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your child, to put the best goals in place.

Establishing a routine is vital when it comes autistic children. As with your meals and bedtimes, make sure that therapy sessions occur at certain set times. Your first session may be a little daunting for your child because it’s something new. Make sure that you warn them in advance so that all runs smoothly.
