DIY & home

How To Sell Your House Quickly

One of the most anxiety inducing things about moving house is sitting around and waiting for your house to sell.

It can be hard to not know what exactly is stopping people from putting in those offers. If that sounds like you, here are some tips on how you can sell your house as quickly as possible.

Sharpen Up The Outside

A good way to improve your home and make it sell more quickly is to improve its curb appeal. This means the way that it appeals to people from the outside. This doesn’t mean that you have to plant an extensive garden and paint the entire outside of your house.

Instead, repaint your door and your window frames. Add plant pots and hanging baskets for a few splashes of color that are easy to maintain. Make sure that your windows are squeaky clean, and cut back any overgrown greenery.

Extend Your Space

A great way to make your home appeal to more people is to extend your space. Admittedly this is a much bigger job than giving your hallway a bit of a tidy up and making sure that you don’t have clutter on your kitchen surfaces, but not only will it make your home appeal to more people – it will also increase its value.

Sunrooms are a great way to extend your property without causing too much upheaval in the rest of your home. You don’t have to reroute the plumbing, for starters, and they can provide an extra downstairs room like a dining room or even a playroom. You could also consider extending your kitchen or perhaps adding an extra en suite bathroom. 

Go For Neutrals

Some homes are – how to put this politely? – incredibly idiosyncratic. It’s great to make your home all about you, and about your personal style, but when you’re trying to attract buyers, it’s important to remember that when they look around your home, what they’re trying to find is a blank canvas.

They’re not thinking about what you’ve done to the place, they’re thinking about what they could do and how they could live there. So why not try to make your decor a little more neutral? Go for whites and pale greys, repaint the walls, and make sure your home is a blank slate.

Remember The Little Touches

Finally, it’s important to remember that often it’s the little touches that will make people really love your home. Fresh flowers and pot plants are important, and you should make sure that all your surfaces are cleared and wiped down. Make sure that your windows have been opened so that the house is fully aired – particularly if you had something particularly fragrant with lots of garlic and onions the previous night!

You could also consider adding diffusers to your rooms to let off sweet aromas that any potential buyers would enjoy. Make sure that all your clutter has been hidden inside drawers and cupboards and that your floors are freshly swept. Little things matter.

Selling your home isn’t an easy process, but these tips should help get it over with quickly!
