DIY & home

Saving Water At Home This Spring

It is incredibly important to be more eco friendly in the way that we live our lives every single day.

When it comes to small things which we do each day, water is a commodity we all use and one which we could all do with being more cautious with. Water is an essential commodity in our lives and we all have a supply to our homes to use for drinking, cooking and washing. To save some water in the home can save energy and have a positive impact on the planet. Today we are looking at some of the simple ways to keep your water usage to a minimum.

Use a water butt

Now that the weather is becoming a little warmer, it is important for us to start looking after the garden and watering our plants. When we come to look after our garden in the spring and summer we will want to water our plants every week or so to ensure that they grow and thrive. Rather than using the hose for this every time, a good alternative would be to use a water butt in the garden to collect rainwater and use for the plants. This will save using up fresh water and it is much more eco friendly.

Keep water in the fridge

If you love to drink water to keep yourself hydrated every day, you’ll know the familiar feeling of running the tap and waiting for the water to be cold enough for a refreshing drink. Instead of having to run the tap before every drink you take, why not place the water in the fridge in a filter bottle? It will make a huge difference to your drink and will also ensure that you don’t waste water every time you fancy a glass of water.

Seal any leaks

It is incredibly important to be aware of leaks in the house or cracks which could cause water to be used up unduly. Using Chandler Plumber to come and check your home and repair any leaks which you may have in the home. Once these are repaired your home will be much more secure and structurally safe and also you won’t be wasting any water for no reason.

Prevent rusting

When it comes to the home you need to be aware of maintaining your pipework to ensure it is healthy and clean. One of the things which you should do is keep the pipes clean and make sure to always treat them to make sure that are secure. This will ensure that your pipes don’t start to rust away and leak out water.

Turn it off

There is never a good reason to run your tap while you brush your teeth! If you want to make sure that you are saving water every day and costing yourself less money and energy too, be sure to turn off the tap and only turn it on when you have to. This will save you from using up way too much water.
