DIY & home

What You Wished Your Home Looked Like

Have you ever experience home envy?

That burning desire to have a different home because all you can think about is what your home is missing, and what so many other homes seem to have? Well, we’ve all been there. Because even looking at the outside of a home can lead to a bit of burning home envy deep inside. But sometimes home envy is all we have.

We see all of these great homes around us, yet we seem to do nothing to actually get our homes the way we want it. Of course, we might add in a new lamp, or perhaps treat ourselves to a new set of mugs every now and then, but as a general rule we just don’t do much to get our homes the way we want them!

What You Wish Your Home Looked Like:

#1: Modern & Bright

Modern and bright is a look that you definitely want to try and achieve. Modern is beautiful, but we will admit that some of the more authentic retro looks do look pretty cool. But if it’s modern and bright that you want to go for, you really do need to focus on your decor. We think a really good decor trend that just isn’t dying out, is the white and grey look. You don’t have to plaster your home with it, but if you were to do it in a room or two we think it would look super effective.

Plus, the mixture of the white and grey keeps those rooms nice and bright, but at the same time makes it look cozy and inviting. Then all you would have to do is fill the room with little home accessories, and you’ve got a modern look. You don’t necessarily need to be making super big renovations now, do you!?

#2: Full Of New Things

But sometimes it is all about the new things that you can put in your home, that you notice every other home seems to have. But it doesn’t have to be inside the home to make a difference. You could get a Garage Door Installation company to come and give you a new garage door. And, coupled with a new front door, it can look super modern and new.

A lick of paint to the outside of the home would make it look really nice as well. But don’t even get us started on the things you can put inside your home! All you have to do is go to your local home store, and you’ll be greeted with a million and one things you could put into your home.

#3: Like The Instagram Pages

Of course you would want your home to look like the Instagram pages, those things are just so dreamy! They make rooms of a home just look so modern, incredible, and unique. But there’s no reason why you can’t do this to your own home. All you have to do is take some inspiration and find out how you can apply it to your own home!
