DIY & home

5 Easy Ways To Give Your Home A Little TLC

When you first moved into your house, you vowed it would be a palace.

It would be a place where you would keep everything in its place and you said that it would never be a place you would treat with disrespect. Coats would be on the coat hooks. Keys would always be in the bowl on the table. There wouldn’t be piles of clutter everywhere. Or crumbs tucked down the side of the sofa. And there wouldn’t be spills on the rug. Unfortunately, life happened, and so did all of the above.

Your home is still that palace, all it takes is a little tender loving care to get it back to its best.

You’re so busy working and making sure that you’re paying for the home that you’re in that finding the time to investigate the difference between the types of spin mops on the market becomes an impossibility. A little zshush here and a little sparkle there is often enough to make it the perfect home that you’ve always wanted it to be. You won’t have to bring in the bulldozer to knock it down and start again, when the five tips below can help you give your house a little love and bring it back to its best.

Bye-Bye Dull Floor

Hardwood floors are beautiful, but when they’re not looked after properly they can become dull and lose their luster. A little time, a little varnish and a buffering every now and then can make your hardwood sparkle. While you’re at it, attack the rest of the woodwork in your home; you won’t regret the difference that you can make to it!

Caulk It Up

That sticky stuff around the edge of the bath and the shower that protects the tiles and seals the gap? That stuff is called caulk and it needs replacing when it’s stained or damaged. Check out this guide on how to sort the caulk in your bathroom.

Cool It

Every six months, you need to bring in the professionals to fix your HVAC. Even if it’s not broken, you need it cleaned and restarted to keep it healthy. Breathing clean air is a privilege, even if you don’t realize it yet. Finding issues early can mean less breakdowns later.

Light Up

Updating your lighting fixtures is a great way to ensure that you keep the house bright and modern. Some original fixtures are great in a home, where others make it look old and dark. Update to modernise and don’t be afraid of change.

Shine It

Metal handles, lights, silverware and ornaments all need a lot of looking after. Don’t forget to polish them properly and you’ll be able to keep your home looking bright and spacious. It’s a little TLC here that goes a long way to changing the look of the home.

Your house can’t just be left to its own devices; that’s how things go awry! Dull and dark to bright and sparkle in no time at all.
