DIY & home

Don’t Do It Yourself: Five Home Projects You Should Leave To The Professionals

I get it – home improvement projects can be expensive.

It makes sense that most homeowners do what they can themselves before calling in the pros. Although this may save you money, it could cost you much more if you aren’t sure what you’re doing. YouTube videos and home improvement shows (shoutout to my my fellow HGTV fans!) make things look way easier than they actually are. Before you pick up a hammer and start knocking down some walls, consider how dangerous or complicated your DIY project really is. And as a general rule, please leave these five projects to the professionals and don’t do it yourself:

Tree RemovalProject #1: Tree Removal

If there’s a tree in your yard that’s bothering you – whether it’s dying or simply hazardous in a severe storm – removing it yourself often seems like the best course of action. After all, how difficult can it be to chop down a tree? Our ancestors did it regularly! Unfortunately, it is very dangerous to tackle this project yourself. Not only are the tools a safety hazard , but the tree is too. If you make the wrong cut and it doesn’t fall where you wanted it to, it could cause a lot of damage to your yard, your house, your car, or even you.

Painting The ExteriorProject #2: Painting The Exterior

As any true DIYer knows, painting your house is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to transform your home. However, this only applies to the interior of the house. Painting the exterior is a much more complicated task, and if done wrong, you could end up with a less than appealing home. There are many more factors to take into consideration when doing exterior work than when you do the interior. For example, you have to worry about temperature changes, humidity, and weather as a whole. Professionals have the experience to get the job done right, so don’t waste time or money attempting it yourself.

Major Plumbing WorkProject #3: Major Plumbing Work

When it comes to bathroom renovations, there are a few simple things that you can do yourself. For example, changing the faucets and laying tiles. Any major plumbing work, however, should be left to those who know what they’re doing. Even a small mistake could lead to water damage and expensive repairs. Honestly it’s really not worth the hassle to try to DIY this one.

Project #4: Major Electrical Work

Major Electrical Work

There are a few electrical jobs you can complete yourself, but generally anything to do with your electricity should be left to an electrician. It goes without saying, but if you make a mistake, the most obviously danger is that you will get shocked. But even if you don’t, your faulty electrical work could spark a house fire later on, which could prove to be devastating and deadly. Just avoid messing with any wires yourself and call the pros to prevent future problems.

Roof RepairsProject #5: Roof Repairs

Fixing your roof is something many homeowners know can be costly, however, the damage that your home can incur from a damaged roof can rise drastically if issues are left unresolved. It can be tempting to cut some of the costs of hiring professionals such as Bison Roofing for minor repairs but there are many risks associated with attempting DIY roof repairs. If you are not expertly skilled in roof repairs there are a whole host of things that could go wrong meaning this is definitely one task you should not be doing.

Every year, many professionals get injured and die in accidents related to roof repair. Imagine how dangerous of a job this would be for you as a non-professional! Even if you manage to get through it without hurting yourself, chances are that you’ll have made a mistake somewhere, leading to larger issues down the road. Roofing is a difficult job, so leave it to those who have the knowledge and experience to get it done right. Don’t risk your safety by trying to fix the roof yourself.

There are lots of jobs that can be done by homeowners without an issue, there is no doubt about that. But the five projects above should always be left to the professionals – for your safety, and for your peace of mind.

kristangibleWhat home projects are you tackling this spring? Tell me about them in the comments!