DIY & home

Planning To Do Some DIY? Avoid These Common Mistakes…

It may seem like DIY comes naturally to a lot of people, but that’s probably because you don’t realize the many hiccups they experienced along the way.

If you are going to do your first bit of DIY, it’s important to plan carefully to ensure you know what to do every step of the way. Check out these four common DIY mistakes before you start, so that you can avoid them.

Mistake #1: Buying tools with little thought for their quality.

A lot of people assume that all tools are the same. This is definitely not the case. It doesn’t matter whether you are looking for a saw, a drill, or a basic paintbrush; you need to invest in quality. A quick search of “the best torque wrench possible or “the best value for money jigsaw” will bring up lots of reviews and useful guides. You should read this information so you can find out more about the different products that are available. After all, the last thing you want to do is waste your money on a poor quality tool that is only going to fall apart half way through your project.

Mistake #2: Running before you can walk (so to speak).

If this is your first DIY project, make sure it is not an overly ambitious one. Re-wiring the electrics in your house is not the sort of project for beginners! Start with easier DIYs if you’re just learning, and over time you’ll gain the confidence and skills to tackle the larger projects.

Mistake #3: Having no plan.

This is something I mentioned above, but I have to mention it again because it’s that important. If you do not have a plan, you are going to have a bumpy ride ahead of you. You need to get the instructions and read through them carefully. Make a list of all of the items you need, and determine how long the project is going to take you. This will help you to decide when the best time to start the project is. So many people make the mistake of deciding to start a project once they get in from work, and then half of their house is out of use because they cannot finish it on time.

Mistake #4: Being too proud to ask for help.

I’ll admit that I’ve gotten in over my head on projects before (i.e. redoing the concrete floors in the showroom at work) and it is not fun to realize you maybe shouldn’t have taken on the project alone. But there is nothing wrong with asking for help after the fact. Don’t make the mistake of simply diving into your project when you don’t know what you are doing because you fear you will look silly if you ask a question. You will look stupid, though, if you end up breaking something or causing damage to your home because you didn’t get the help you needed.

Steer clear of these four big mistakes and your project will likely be successful.

There will be no major holes in the wall! You won’t have cut your material too short! And, you won’t be ripping your hair out by the end of it!

kristangible What mistakes have you made when DIYing? Let us know in the comments below!